Mixin to add a design column spanning width
to an element. This mixin is used in the auto generated Colspan CSS classes.
SCSS Usage
@include colspan($n, $bump:false)
And so, in SCSS:
.foo {
@include colspan(2); // span 2 columns at every breakpoint
.bar {
@include colspan(2); // span 2 columns at every breakpoint
@include breakpoint('md+') {
@include colspan(4); // from 'md' and up, span 4 columns
.baz {
@include colspan(2, 20px); // span 2 columns + 20px, at every breakpoint
.foo {
width: calc(((2 / var(--grid-columns)) * var(--max-width, 100%)) - (var(--inner-gutter) - (2 / var(--grid-columns) * var(--inner-gutter))));
.foo > * {
--grid-columns: 2;
.bar {
width: calc(((2 / var(--grid-columns)) * var(--max-width, 100%)) - (var(--inner-gutter) - (2 / var(--grid-columns) * var(--inner-gutter))));
.bar > * {
--grid-columns: 2;
@media screen and (min-width: 650px) {
.bar {
width: calc(((4 / var(--grid-columns)) * var(--max-width, 100%)) - (var(--inner-gutter) - (4 / var(--grid-columns) * var(--inner-gutter))));
.bar > * {
--grid-columns: 4;
.baz {
width: calc((((2 / var(--grid-columns)) * var(--max-width, 100%)) - (var(--inner-gutter) - (2 / var(--grid-columns) * var(--inner-gutter)))) + 20px);
.baz > * {
--grid-columns: 2;
This mixin also inserts a CSS variable to the children of the element with the mixin; this allows for nesting. See Colspan#nesting.
You may want to span 2 columns and a gutter so the right hand edge of your element is against the next design grid column. For this you would use @include colspan(2, var(--inner-gutter));